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Inter-Library Loan

If the library material you want to borrow isn't available through the library's online catalogue, you can request material to be brought in from outside of the TRAC system.

Search for and place holds on materials from any participating Alberta Public or Academic Library with the Relais D2D Inter-Library Loan service. 

*Please note that ILLO requests may take significantly longer to fill due to the pandemic.

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Room Rental

Darwell Public Library Program Room is available to rent.

Room Capacity: 40 People

Room Rental Rate: 
Minimum Rental is 1 hour
During Library Hours - $20.00/hour
Outside of Library Hours -  $37.50/hour

For more information please contact the Library Manager. 

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NoveList Plus

This is a popular readers' advisory service that helps readers find fiction and nonfiction books. It includes reviews, book covers, booklists, links to author web pages and much more!

NoveList Plus K8

With this readers' advisory tool, students and teachers can access over information on fiction and nonfiction titles aimed at the K-8 audience, complete with full text reviews. It also offers hundreds of reading lists, book talks, award lists, and teachers' resources.

Event / Program
Bring Your Own Book Club
Date: Friday, 28 June, 2024
Time: 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Location: Darwell Public Library
Cost: Free
Bring Your Own Book Club
Join us for great conversation, book recommendations and some snacks!
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Thank You
17 June, 2024
Thank You SANG Community Enhancement Foundation!
Every wonder where that $1.00 from every gas bill goes?
SANG Community Enhancement Foundation has generously donated $1000 to our Summer Reading Club Program.
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Darwell Public Library Society

The Library Society has full legislative authority for the management and provision of library service in the municipality. The Society approves annual budgets and has financial oversight of library operations. In addition, the Society determines service objectives for the library that are appropriate to the needs of the community and re-examines them periodically. The Society also develops policies governing library programs and operations in consultation with the library's manager.

The Society meets the 4th Monday of the month at 7 PM.  With the exception of December, July & August.  For more information call, email or message us on Facebook.

Society Members

Donna Letendre, President

Tracey Thompson, Vice President

Sandy Krause, Treasurer

Janeen Horne, Secretary

Marilyn Fearnley, Director

Holy Clee, Director

Amanda Flynn, Director

Chantelle Lalonde, Director

Maria Smith, Director

Jenny Bahme, Director

Evelyn Lewis, Member at Large

Melanie Miller, Member at Large

Bobby Jean Yeoman, Member at Large

Tyson Schymizek, Member at Large

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Event / Program
Darwell Public Library / September Casino
Date: Sunday, 1 September 11:00 a.m. – Monday, 2 September 11:45 p.m., 2024
Location: Century Casino - St. Albert
24 Boudreau Rd

Cost: FREE
Help support your local library by volunteering for the AGLC Casino Fundraiser.
Please contact the library if you are interested in volunteering.
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Event / Program
Summer Reading Club BINGO
Date: Tuesday, 2 July 11:00 a.m. – Thursday, 22 August 4:00 p.m., 2024
Location: Darwell Public Library

Cost: Free
Participate in our Summer Reading BINGO card and enter win wonderful prizes.
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Summer Reading Club Volunteer
26 June, 2024
We are looking for community youth interested in volunteering at the library this summer. It's a great way to gain resume experience and support your local library!
If you are interested in volunteering this summer contact Chaddie Langman.
Phone: 780-892-3746

Summer Reading Club Volunteer
Time: 10:30 am - 1 pm
Dates: July 4, 11, 18 & 25
Darwell Public Library
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Results: 41-50 of 58